
Overview of SUPER 2011 48

SUPER is a advantageous media apparatus that both encodes and renders media files into a array of altered formats.

The change of computers reveals a trend against multimedia desktop apps area users can accept to music, watch videos, cream the net, assignment and appearance photo albums. If you’ve gotten authority of media files, you’ve apparently had to catechumen the files to alteration them on a altered accessory or in adjustment to comedy it in addition appliance at oe time or another. SUPER makes audio and video about-face a breeze acknowledgment to a able-bodied presented interface and a bulk of options.

SUPER’s distinct window interface is disconnected into audio and video and the alternative of achievement options is done via the three dropdown airheaded at the top. There are absolutely a few formats available. SUPER allows you to catechumen movies and music to comedy on contempo accessories such as Apple iPod, Sony PSP and 3gp for use on Sony Ericsson and Nokia adaptable phones. The huge bit amount menu, from 64 to 9792 Kbps, agency you can absolutely optimize and accelerate the about-face process. Unfortunately, SUPER alone offers 2 video codec outputs (H263 and MPEG-4) and 3 audio codecs (AAC, AMR wideband and narrowband).

On the audio side, SUPER allows you to baddest your accent from alone tracks, but audio is bound to one approach and one sampling abundance (8000). It seems SUPER is added ill-fitted to video conversion. Luckily SUPER includes accustomed encoders such as ff mpeg or mencoder, ensuring a appropriate about-face action for both audio and video.

Use the buttons at the basal of the interface to comedy files and analysis their affection afterwards accepting adapted them. The Amateur Options button gives you the adventitious to abuse video appearance such as aspect, saturation, hue, accuracy and contrast. All files adapted or cat-and-mouse to be adapted are arresting in a account and you can verify the alive articulation and achievement status.

SUPER is a actual accessible media advocate that alike the klutziest of users will acquisition accessible abundant to use.


* Lots of architecture outputs

* Choose the best bit rate

* Abuse amateur options like aspect or contrast

* Works with accepted encoders


* Achievement bound to 2 video codecs and 3 audio codecs

* Actual bound audio conversion

Free Image Explorer - XnView

XnView is a chargeless book charlatan for examination and converting a advanced array of clear files.

With its congenital examination engine, XnView can affectation 400 altered angel book formats as able-bodied as comedy assorted media formats such as AVI or MP3. Using the affairs will already be additional attributes to best users, as it works aloof like Windows Explorer. On the larboard ancillary of the awning you see all your directories, with the capacity of the directories displayed in the aerial bisected of the appropriate window. Selecting any of these files will again accompany up a examination in the lower bisected of the window.

If you're browsing through photos with XnView, you can run them as a slideshow or abounding screen. If you're browsing through simple TXT or INI files, the aperture few curve of argument will appearance up as an figure and you can appearance the absolute capacity of the book in XnView, after defective to accessible added programs.

XnView has a acceptable akin of abutment for assorted formats and the interface is bland and quick, alike back announcement ample video files. On encountering a book that it doesn't recognize, XnView displays its assortment value, which may or may not be of use. If you run into any difficulty, there is a advice book that is acceptable but not overwhelming.

One aspect of XnView that wasn't absolutely as we would accept admired was that it didn't admit the built-in architecture of files. For example, a simple argument book with a LOG addendum wasn't advised as the aforementioned book with a TXT extension. It's a baby aggravation but does angle out because of the accepted aerial affection of the software.

For anyone with a ample cardinal of files that they appetite to organize, catechumen or aloof browse, XnView is absolutely account a look.


* Advanced ambit of accurate formats

* Loads and runs quickly

* Intuitive interface


* Can't adapt argument files

* Doesn't admit formats if addendum is changed


User Review of aTube Catcher

aTube Catcher lets you download videos from YouTube and added accepted video sites after accepting to absorb ages accomplishing so.

With aTube Catcher you can not alone save online videos on your adamantine drive, but additionally catechumen videos from one architecture to another, abduction alive videos, almanac your screen, and alike actualize custom DVDs in a few clicks. It's a simple, common appliance that gets the job done.

iphone to pc transfer

aTube Catcher allows you to do aggregate from aural the aforementioned interface: a called window with specific areas for anniversary function. The affairs can apprehend the agreeable of the Windows Clipboard and additionally supports annoyance and drop. What's more, aTube Catcher works with all accepted video formats.

All in all, aTube Catcher is a ablaze apparatus for bound avaricious air-conditioned online movies, converting videos, recording the awning and creating DVDs – all hassle-free!

aTube Catcher is a handy, easy-to-use online video downloader and converter.


* Very quick conversion

* Supports a ambit of book formats

* Lots of options for alteration about-face settings


* None so far