
The man who changed business forever - Apple's Steve Jobs

"Love him or loathe him, Steve Jobs is a figure of social and historic significance who has arguably had as much impact on the daily lives of global consumers as anyone you can name," Rich Jaroslovsky writes for Bloomberg.
"In an odd way, Apple’s recent spectacular success, combined with Jobs’s larger-than-life image and lightning-rod personality, have obscured just how important a force he has really been, and for how long," Jaroslovsky writes. "After all, an Inc. magazine cover proclaimed that 'This Man Has Changed Business Forever' -- in 1981."
Jaroslovsky writes, "In an age when we routinely carry miniature supercomputers in the form of smartphones in our pockets, it’s hard to fully grasp the impact of Jobs’s first great product, the Apple II personal computer. The technological wizardry behind it -- Those high-res graphics! That disk controller! -- largely belonged to co-founder Steve Wozniak. But the vision of placing technology in normal people’s hands, and the passion to build a company devoted to that concept, came from Jobs."
Much more in the full article here.

