
User Review of JetAudio

JetAudio is a solid, feature-rich media amateur that works with abounding accepted video and audio formats and includes absorbing added functionality.

YouTube Converter for Mac 

Even in its basic, best simple version, JetAudio offers endless of nice accoutrement to get pleasure your accumulating of music and videos. It appearance a accurately advised interface with abutment for banknote and visualizations – admitting not as abounding as Winamp. You can additionally run JetAudio as an added bar that sits on the Windows taskbar and ascendancy its capital functions from there after arresting your work.

The capital purpose of JetAudio is acutely arena audio and video files. The affairs includes elements with which you can advance playback and accomplish it added enjoyable, such as complete effects, cross-fading amid songs and abutment for lyrics.

But that's not all. JetAudio additionally appearance a agglomeration of added accoutrement that accredit you to rip CDs, almanac sound, catechumen music files from one architecture to another, accept to online radio stations and bake your admired MP3 to CD.

JetAudio is a complete, accessible media amateur for anyone that would like to do added than aloof comedy audio and video files.


* Nice customizable interface

* Works with all accepted formats

* Includes absorbing added features


* Doesn't accept abounding banknote or beheld effects

