
Graph 4.2

Graph is an accessible antecedent appliance acclimated to draw algebraic graphs in a alike system. Anyone who wants to draw graphs of functions will acquisition this affairs useful.

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The affairs makes it actual accessible to anticipate a action and adhesive it into accession program. It is additionally accessible to do some algebraic calculations on the functions.

Draw functions

Graph can draw accustomed functions, constant functions, and arctic functions. You can use a lot of congenital functions, e.

g. sin, cos, log, etc. You may specify color, amplitude and band appearance of the graphs, and the graphs may me bound to an interval. It is additionally accessible to appearance a amphitheater at the ends advertence accessible or bankrupt interval.

Interact with added programs

You can save the alike arrangement with graphs as an angel on deejay either as a bitmap (bmp), Potable Network Graphics (png) or metafile (emf).

You may additionally archetype the alike arrangement into accession program, e. g. Microsoft Word, either as a accustomed angel or as an OLE object, which may be edited after by bifold beat on it.

A lot of options

While still accessible to use Graph has a lot of customization possibilities, e. g. fonts, colors, axes style, grids, etc.

The axes, which may by accustomed or logarithmic, can be placed either by entering specific values, or by affective or zooming with the mouse.


Given an x-coordinate Graph will account the action amount and the aboriginal two derivatives for any accustomed function.

Alternatively the action may be traced with the mouse. Graph can additionally ample a table with evaluated action coordinates in a user defined range.

Data from the table can calmly be affected into accession program, e. g. Excel.


Graph can advice you account the breadth beneath a action in a accustomed breach and the ambit forth the ambit amid two credibility on the function.

The affairs can additionally appearance the aboriginal acquired of a function, and actualize tangents and accustomed curve to a action at accustomed coordinates.

Point alternation and trendlines

You can actualize alternation of credibility with altered markers, colors and size.

Data for a point alternation can be alien from added programs, e. g. Microsoft Excel. It is accessible to actualize a band of best fit from the abstracts in a point series, either from one of the congenital models or from a user defined model.

Shadings and labels

Graph can admit shadings acclimated to mark an breadth accompanying to a function. Shadings may be created with altered styles and colors in a user defined interval.

In accession to the alternative fable acclimated to call anniversary function, a characterization may be added anywhere in the system. A characterization can accommodate argument with altered fonts, images and altar created in added programs.

