
Free iPhone Game - Monkey Dash

Resulted from the affiliation with DailyAppDream.com, Apple has fabricated Monkey Dash a freeware. It is a array of active game, but not as simple as jumping from larboard to appropriate or from appropriate to left, Monkey Dash is added addicting. The bold is advised for testing your acknowledgment and the abilities to jump, run and defeat enemies.

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In this game, you will ascendancy the monkey baron Wu Kong who sports his able bow to area off enemies. The bold requires you active and advancing so as to handle the enemies both on the arena and in the air. Some of the monsters like dragons can backfire bombs or bandy blaze to stop your way, so our monkey baron additionally accept to contrivance the baleful attacks.

More than action adjoin foes, you accept to chase adjoin time to accomplishment the tasks and grab as abounding credibility as you could. Therefore, you accept to let Wu Kong run fast abundant yet not to absence the credibility on all the way. You can use the credibility to akin up your appearance and access the speed, jumping abilities, shield, bang ambit and so on. You will acquisition the accent of these abilities back the appearance makes progress, but be acquainted that the bold will additionally become added and added difficult by the aforementioned time.

The capital appearance are declared as below:

* Crisp graphics

* Record of array for announcement assimilate Facebook and Twitter.

* Gorgeous Background Music

* Up to 6 abilities for level-up

* Adds night arena with greater challenges

In short, the appearance of this bold is absolutely funny and you will consistently ascertain fresh things in its level-up progress. Monkey Dash is a bold for all ages and a acceptable time analgesic in your travel.


SimpleTAG – Music Freeware

SimpleTAG Tools are a apartment of accoutrement for adapt tags of music files in MP3 or OGG format. Also supports renaming music files, based on advice from their labels. The capital tool, is SimpleTAG GUI, which is a graphical interface for dispense tags. SimpleTAG GUI, performs the awning chase associated with music files.

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SimpleTAG GUI is a graphical apparatus for adapt tags of music files in MP3 or OGG format. Also supports renaming music files, based on advice from their labels. SimpleTAG GUI, performs the awning chase associated with music files.


* File Renamer based on TAG information

* Automatic awning chase : Google Images and Hard Disk. SoftSea.com had absolutely tested, advised and uploaded the install files, SimpleTAG does not accommodate any adware or spyware, the most recent adaptation is 1.3.2, you can download this mp3 tag editorcomputer application (3.25 MB) from appropriate server of SoftSea.com. The authorization of this audio & mp3computer application is Free, you can chargeless download and chargeless use this mp3 tag editor software.


Hassle-free Ways to Lock Your Mac Screen

In workplace, about anybody could lock the computer awning whenever they leave their seats. By accomplishing that they could assure their files and abstracts from actuality peeped at. There are abounding means to lock awning on the Mac. However, abounding Mac users do not like to use the abrasion to do that. Here two hassle-free means are accommodate to lock your Mac awning by application the keyboard.

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First, let’s appear to the easier way of accomplishing that. You should accomplish a configuration, acute a countersign to deathwatch up your Mac from beddy-bye of screensaver. To accomplish this, you should go to the Aegis ascendancy panel, again accomplish settings in System Alternative by allotment the General options tab and analysis the box to “Require countersign x account afterwards beddy-bye or awning saver begins.” Set the capricious time to anon crave a password. Since you’ve already fabricated a configuraiton, now you may charge to acclimatize your Awning Saver settings, and your Energy Saver settings, because this aegis advantage will additionally be triggered back aloof your affectation goes to beddy-bye normally. Again whenever you charge to get up and leave your Mac, you can columnist the keyboard combination:Control+Shift+Eject to accomplish your computer affectation to sleep. Your awning is bound simutaneously.

Here comes to the additional way. This way tells you how to lock the awning from the keyboard by application Automator to body a Account in Snow Leopard. Accomplish abiding that the box of “Require countersign afterwards beddy-bye or awning saver begins” on the Aegis System Preferences console is checked. Again go to the Application folder, accessible Automator and baddest Account from the awning that appears. In the “Service receives” drop-down list, baddest “no input”. Ensure that “any applicaiton” is delected in the additional drop-down list. Add the Start Screensaver activity to the Account by boring it to the right. Save the Service. Next, accessible System Preferences and baddest the Keyboard alternative pane. Baddest the Keyboard Shortcuts tab at the top, again the Services accumulation on the left. The account you created should be abreast the basal of the account of Services beneath the General acknowledgment triangle. Double-click on the appropriate ancillary of the access for the Account you created and accredit a keyboard shortcut. Although it is not so visiable for you to add a keyboard shortcut. You aloof try it again you can accomplish it.

Bingo! That’s it! Again whenever you leave your desk, you can never be afraid about the aegis of your abstracts or files.


Black Swan (2010) Plot Summary

Black Swan on MacNina (Portman) is a ballerina in a Fresh York City ballet aggregation whose life, like all those in her profession, is absolutely captivated with dance. She lives with her affected above ballerina mother Erica (Hershey) who exerts a airless ascendancy over her. Back aesthetic administrator Thomas Leroy (Cassel) decides to alter prima ballerina Beth MacIntyre (Ryder) for the aperture assembly of their fresh season, Swan Lake, Nina is his aboriginal choice.

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But Nina has competition: a fresh dancer, Lily (Kunis), who impresses Leroy as well. Swan Lake requires a ballerina who can comedy both the White Swan with chastity and grace, and the Atramentous Swan, who represents guile and sensuality. Nina fits the White Swan role altogether but Lily is the clothing of the Atramentous Swan. As the two adolescent dancers aggrandize their animosity into a askance friendship, Nina begins to get added in blow with her aphotic ancillary – a carelessness that threatens to abort her. Written by Fox Searchlight Pictures (from imdb.com)

* Release Date:17 December 2010 (USA)

* Director:Darren Aronofsky

* Writers:Mark Heyman (screenplay), Andres Heinz (screenplay), and 2 added credits

* Stars:Natalie Portman, Mila Kunis and Vincent Cassel

Black Swan (2010) Reviews

Natalie Portman lives a dream and a daydream back she gets a adventitious to ball Swan Lake in Darren Aronofsky’s fresh film

Black Swan is a actual bi polarized film. Portman dances as the white swan flawlessly, but her ‘brilliant’ choreographer has doubts about her as the atramentous swan. She needs to ‘live a little’ and be beneath mannered, but the afterpiece she gets to that point, the added the walls alpha to abutting in all about her.

Darren Aronofsky, admitting he comes abutting to actuality abundant handed, has delivered a activity which is fiery, amazing and clever. He sells us ballet as article aphotic and off putting, starting from his accommodation to acknowledge what dancing does to peoples bodies. One aberration and you can able a toe attach beneath your anatomy weight, but I don’t wanna oversell it. To attending at Atramentous Swan in addition way, it is an operatic abhorrence film, It has absurd style, but uses it not so abundant to amaze but to abash and intimidate. The absurdity of Atramentous swan is that it creepiness is affectionate of seductive, because it draws you in (much like the way vampires are allegedly romantic)

But appearance is alone bisected the account (not even). The blow is in the cast, and mostly in Natalie Portman. She is apathetic to get started, but she grows bound and the aftereffect is arguably her best achievement yet. I’ve never admired her that much. She’s consistently addled me as added of a babe than a woman, but I assumption all she needs is to get a little claret on her hands, and you accept an accolade aces performance. Vincent Cassel, admitting he gets some ambiguous lines, is additionally at his best. I would accept about admired to see added of him, because you get the faculty that his role has a bit added allowance to grow.

Black Swan does absolutely a bit, but it’s not for everyone. Do not go into this assured to be emotionally enriched. From the beginning, it is staged to be a mind-twirl, delighting in arena tricks on the audience. Some ability alarm it cheating, but that would be the amiss way to attending at Atramentous Swan. It’s absolutely epic, and with year advancing to an end, I anticipate it’s fair to say that it is amid the best of 2010.(Author: samkay1 from imdb.com)


User Review for Allplayer

Allplayer is a media player, which can comedy about all formats including QuickTime, Xvid, MKV, DivX, Flash, DVD, MP3 files. There is a fresh action which allows your kids to apprehend subtitles. ALLPlayer has congenital in appropriate connectors to the Opensubtitles.org servers that accredit to watch cine with analogous subtitles in the burning mode. Intelligent Subtitles allows to apprehend all subtitles in continued abundant display, so annihilation will be missed.It additionally has a body in chargeless advocate which can catechumen fresh formats like x264 or MKV to the architecture playable on your DVD/DivX device, PSP, iPod, iPhone and all added adaptable phones. It has additionally alive updater which keeps you adapted with the most recent codecs-pack. AVI Doctor helps back you are downloading torrent book and appetite to examination the movie. With AVI Doctor you can additionally fix the burst file. With LiveUpdate you will get admission to added banknote and abounding added programs and functions. Give LiveUpdate a try and you will acquaintance a fresh way of watching movies on PC.

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Operation System:

Windows 7, Windows 2003, Windows Vista, Windows NT, Windows XP

Publisher Website:


Quick Overview of Cinepak Codec

Cinepak was the primary video codec of aboriginal versions of QuickTime and Microsoft Video for Windows, but was after abolished by Sorenson Video, Intel Indeo, and best afresh MPEG-4 and H.264. However, movies aeroembolism with Cinepak are about still playable in best media players (including the Microsft Windows Media Player).

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If you already accept Cinepak installed, you can amend to our adaptation aloof by artful ICCVID.DLL over the top of the archetype you already accept (in Win 9X, \windows\system; in Win NT/2K/XP, \winnt\system32).

If you do not already accept Cinepak installed, again you did not accept to install the multimedia/video apparatus back you installed Windows. In that case, the codec is not enough; you are missing a cardinal of added files you charge in adjustment to appearance videos.

This is absolutely a frequently appropriate codec that enables you to appearance video on your PC.

Cinepak was originally developed to comedy baby movies on “early” computers with a distinct acceleration CD-ROM drive.

One of the arch affidavit for this was its acutely low CPU requirements!:

The aboriginal name of this codec was CompactVideo, which is why its FourCC identifier is “CVID”.


Review for Capture Me

Free Abduction Me is a adjustable awning abduction and recording account for Mac OS X which appearance a amphibian abduction window, several extenuative options, and resize ability.

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To use the program, annoyance and resize the amphibian window to awning the breadth you appetite to capture. Then bang in the window to abduction the screenshot. You can resize it, archetype it to the clipboard, and save it in a array of formats and locations. Its behavior is customizable with account to what happens afterwards a capture. A anew added cine recording approach now allows up to a one minute continued QuickTime cine (no sound) to be produced.



* Free (and accessible source)!

* Globally amphibian abduction window.

* Record abbreviate MPEG-4 QuickTime movies.

* Fast awning captures (uses OpenGL).

* Adeptness to bottomward calibration captures (proportionally or not).

* Save as PNG, JPEG, JPEG 2000, TIFF, or GIFF.

* Adjustable airiness of abduction window.

* Several means to acclimatize the admeasurement and position of the abduction (move the window, arrow keys, annal wheel).

* Nifty abduction sound.

* Options to auto-save to desktop, auto-copy to clipboard, etc.

* Barest ancestry of AppleScript support.

* Written with Cocoa – built-in to Mac OS X.

* Universal bifold – Intel, PPC native.


Shazam Overview

If you are a Music fan, you may generally affair aggregate about fresh arise music. Now there is a affable affairs allowance you do it -Shazam.

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shazamWhat Is Shazam ?

Shazam is a abundant app to discover, allotment and shop for fresh music. You can acquaintance faster tagging and abounding air-conditioned appearance including 30 sec previews. Tag Charts from 20 countries, Lyrics and Tag on startup! Shazam gives you burning achievement back you appetite to apperceive what song is playing.


* Ascertain and shop for music: analyze what song is playing; examination and buy** the clue absolute on iTunes

* Acquaintance music faster: Tap artwork in My Tags and Charts for adjustment card to preview, shop for and allotment music

* Analyze a clue immediately

* Apprentice added about music: apprehend clue and anthology reviews, artisan biographies and discographies, and appearance song lyrics

* See what’s hot and popular:

* Allotment a music moment: Tweet your Tags and column clue capacity to Facebook.

* Chase music: acquisition music by artist, clue or anthology from our database of over 8 actor songs

* Clue your music journey

Main Functions:

It’s couldn’t be added simple to use. All you accept to do is actuate Shazam. Just point the buzz arise the antecedent of a song, to analyze and again shop for the track.

1. Install and run Shazam, you’ll be led to home interface.

home interface

2. Click the “Tag Now”

3. Ascertain fresh music: you can browse Shazam Tag Charts from 20 countries and chase the music you want.

discover fresh music

4. After you tag the music, it’ll arise in “My Tags” list.My tags

5. You can apprentice added about the songs: apprehend clue and anthology reviews and artisan biographies, additional see added music from the aforementioned artisan and appearance song lyrics

tagged music


If you appetite to get pleasure your admired music in added devices, you can use this Video Converter for Mac, which can calmly catechumen videos and audios amid accepted formats. (Such as MP4, MOV, WMA)


Netflix Support added in Boxee

If you already gain a Boxee, you’ll apparently be aflame about the account that Boxee now adds Netflix support. You can now get admission to bags of alive movies/TV Shows via your Boxee Box and get pleasure them on your HDTV. This tutorial will adviser you through the accomplish to do aloof that.

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Part one: Amend your Boxee Box to the most recentcomputer application version

1. Bang the Card button on your alien until the “Boxee Toolbar” appears. Use the arrow buttons on your alien to cross to the Settings on-screen button, which is in the upper-left bend of the awning as illustrated in the angel below. Baddest it.

2. Baddest System from the Settings menu.

Stream Netflix to Boxee Box

3. Cross bottomward the account on the larboard ancillary and baddest Update.

4. Boxee will now download and verify the update. Once that action has completed, baddest New adaptation available. Bang here.

Netflix on Boxee Box

5. In the ‘update’ window, baddest Amend now.

6. Boxee will activate the afterlight process. Your Boxee Box will reboot during the setup.

Part two: Install Netflix App for Boxee Box

1. When accomplished rebooting and the most recent adaptation has been installed, baddest Apps from the “Boxee Toolbar”. Depending on how you accept your Apps preferences, you may be presented with a account of every accessible App, or aloof your Favorites. If you alone see a account of installed and/or favorited Apps, baddest Apps from the Boxee Toolbar again, and this time baddest All from the sub-menu.

2. To bound acquisition Netflix app, you can use the navigation/layout buttons in the upper-right bend of your awning to array the abounding account of Apps by Recently Added.

Install Netflix on Boxee

3. Netflix will (at the time of writing) be one of the top entries. Baddest it, again bang the Barrage button. The Netflix App for Boxee will install!

Stream Netflix to Boxee

Once the accession has completed, the Netflix App will barrage on its own. Now, you are accessible to get pleasure Netflix via your Boxee Box’s!


Guide to Buy a DSLR Camera

Digital distinct lens reflex (DSLR) cameras action faster performance, added ascendancy over settings, and added acceptable angel affection than alike top-of-the-line point-and-shoot cameras. Best importantly, they accord you the adeptness to change lenses. So for austere and able photographers or cutting amateurs, acquirement a DSLR camera is account the money you’ll accept to spend, although DSLR cameras are not cheap.

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DSRL Camera

However, Purchasing a camera (digital single-reflex lens camera), abnormally your aboriginal DSLR camera can be a big decision. How to choose? Which brand, what lenses, how much? This commodity actuality will accord your some reference.

1. Make a account of what you appetite in your DSLR and how abundant you accept to spend. For example- how abounding mega pixels do you want, is video important to you, are name brands important to you, will you aggrandize later?

2. Consider your budget. Write bottomward what you are accommodating to absorb on the DSLR, lens, and accessories in total. It is never a acceptable abstraction to go over the budget.

3. Do some account about DSLRS and the accepted recommendations accessible on customer analysis sites. CNET is abundant for technology. Read about accepted models as able-bodied as DSLR artefact reviews.

Here is some advice that I collect. Hopefully, it is accessible for you.

* Canon EOS 7D

$1,340 (body only)

The Canon EOS 7D is one of the best midrange D-SLRs money can buy. But if you don’t charge absolute video recording appearance or ultra-high-resolution images, there are a scattering of aggressive D-SLRs that aftermath commensurable angel affection for bisected the price.

* Canon EOS 50D

$960 (body only)

The 15.1-megapixel Canon EOS 50D is fast and sharp, and it produces low babble at aerial ISOs. If you own accordant lenses, there’s not abundant to anticipate about. If you don’t, Nikon’s D90 ability be account a look.

* Canon EOS Rebel T1i

$590 (with EF-S 18–55mm IS lens)

The 15.1-megapixel Canon EOS Rebel T1i helps redefine the D-SLR mural by alms prosumer features, performance, and angel affection for beneath than $1,000.

* Canon EOS Rebel T2i

$647 (with EF-S 18-55mm IS lens)

The Canon EOS Rebel T2i pumps out admirable pictures and boasts full-featured 1080p video recording options that were ahead alone accessible with D-SLRs alert its price.

* Nikon D90

$745 (body only)

The Nikon D90 is notable for actuality the aboriginal D-SLR to shoot video (in HD, no less), a nice added for an already absolutely able 12.3-megapixel shooter.

* Nikon D300s

$1,359 (body only)

The 12.3-megapixel Nikon D300s is a solid D-SLR and a nice acceleration advancement if you already own Nikon lenses. But for the aforementioned price, Canon offers beyond 18-megapixel images and added absolute HD-video-capture options with its EOS 7D.

* Nikon D3000

$400 (body only)

The inexpensive, entry-level Nikon D3000 is a acceptable fit for first-time D-SLR users, but aggressive shooters in this amount ambit action sharper, less-noisy images.

* Nikon D5000

$630 (body only)

Nikon’s 12.3-megapixel, HD-capable D5000 D-SLR offers outstanding angel affection and able-bodied appearance for its under-$1,000 price.

* Olympus E-30

$830 (body only)

The 12.3-megapixel Olympus E-30 produces alluringly aciculate pictures, but at college ISOs its images get acutely noisy—plus it’s missing a lot of niceties we’d like in a higher-end D-SLR.

* Pentax K2000

$483 (with 18–55mm lens kit)

Despite a few issues with cutting in low light, the 10.2-megapixel Pentax K2000 appearance abundant speed, solid angel sharpness, and costs beneath than best aggressive D-SLRs.

* Pentax K-x

$480 (with 18-55mm lens)

Breaking the boring, atramentous D-SLR mold, the bright Pentax K-x is the atomic big-ticket HD-video-capable D-SLR you’ll find. And it takes abundant pictures, too, alike in low light.

* Sony Alpha DSLR-A230

$349 (with 18-55mm lens)

The Sony Alpha DSLR-A230 delivers agitating amount and solid shots for an entry-level SLR, but it lacks appearance such as HD video abduction and Live View, which you’ll generally acquisition on higher-end models.

* Sony Alpha DSLR-A550

$497 (with 18-55mm lens)

If you can attending accomplished its missing video-capture capability, Sony’s Alpha DSLR-A550 is a actual absorbing (and actual fast) D-SLR.

* Sony Alpha DSLR-A700

$1,285 (body only)

The 12.24-megapixel Sony Alpha DSLR-A700 takes superb low-light photos, but overall, there are added acceptable options for the price.

Buy your camera and enjoy!


Simple Machine Protect

If you anytime looked for a anti-virus freeware which allows application at anywhere, again the Simple Machine Assure could be a appropriate best for you. Generally, it is a carriageable anti-virus freeware fits on your beam drive (USB pen) and assure your computer from actuality adulterated by viruses, worms, Trojan horses, spyware and etc.

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Developed by Visual Basic, this affairs is absolutely accessible to use and able of analysing any deejay drive or binder you choose. Moreover, it additionally provides suggestions on "tweak" Windows so you can optimize Protect Simple Machine for added effective, faster use. It additionally has absolute links to added Windows accoutrement such as the command line.

Since the best cogent areas to browse in a computer are is memory, the Simple Machine Protect additionally caters for this with a anamnesis scanner which works alongside the deejay scanner. In details, the affairs warns you if it finds a virus with a actual archaic "beeping" complete and it can sometimes adjustment them on the spot, depending on whether the database is able with a acceptable solution.The affairs letters to you consistently about the accepted date of browse with a advance bar.

A disposable yet acceptable affairs for attention your computer admitting it tends to absence accessory bacilli and Trojans that abounding solid scanners will aces up.