
Netflix Support added in Boxee

If you already gain a Boxee, you’ll apparently be aflame about the account that Boxee now adds Netflix support. You can now get admission to bags of alive movies/TV Shows via your Boxee Box and get pleasure them on your HDTV. This tutorial will adviser you through the accomplish to do aloof that.

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Part one: Amend your Boxee Box to the most recentcomputer application version

1. Bang the Card button on your alien until the “Boxee Toolbar” appears. Use the arrow buttons on your alien to cross to the Settings on-screen button, which is in the upper-left bend of the awning as illustrated in the angel below. Baddest it.

2. Baddest System from the Settings menu.

Stream Netflix to Boxee Box

3. Cross bottomward the account on the larboard ancillary and baddest Update.

4. Boxee will now download and verify the update. Once that action has completed, baddest New adaptation available. Bang here.

Netflix on Boxee Box

5. In the ‘update’ window, baddest Amend now.

6. Boxee will activate the afterlight process. Your Boxee Box will reboot during the setup.

Part two: Install Netflix App for Boxee Box

1. When accomplished rebooting and the most recent adaptation has been installed, baddest Apps from the “Boxee Toolbar”. Depending on how you accept your Apps preferences, you may be presented with a account of every accessible App, or aloof your Favorites. If you alone see a account of installed and/or favorited Apps, baddest Apps from the Boxee Toolbar again, and this time baddest All from the sub-menu.

2. To bound acquisition Netflix app, you can use the navigation/layout buttons in the upper-right bend of your awning to array the abounding account of Apps by Recently Added.

Install Netflix on Boxee

3. Netflix will (at the time of writing) be one of the top entries. Baddest it, again bang the Barrage button. The Netflix App for Boxee will install!

Stream Netflix to Boxee

Once the accession has completed, the Netflix App will barrage on its own. Now, you are accessible to get pleasure Netflix via your Boxee Box’s!

