
Guide to Buy a DSLR Camera

Digital distinct lens reflex (DSLR) cameras action faster performance, added ascendancy over settings, and added acceptable angel affection than alike top-of-the-line point-and-shoot cameras. Best importantly, they accord you the adeptness to change lenses. So for austere and able photographers or cutting amateurs, acquirement a DSLR camera is account the money you’ll accept to spend, although DSLR cameras are not cheap.

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DSRL Camera

However, Purchasing a camera (digital single-reflex lens camera), abnormally your aboriginal DSLR camera can be a big decision. How to choose? Which brand, what lenses, how much? This commodity actuality will accord your some reference.

1. Make a account of what you appetite in your DSLR and how abundant you accept to spend. For example- how abounding mega pixels do you want, is video important to you, are name brands important to you, will you aggrandize later?

2. Consider your budget. Write bottomward what you are accommodating to absorb on the DSLR, lens, and accessories in total. It is never a acceptable abstraction to go over the budget.

3. Do some account about DSLRS and the accepted recommendations accessible on customer analysis sites. CNET is abundant for technology. Read about accepted models as able-bodied as DSLR artefact reviews.

Here is some advice that I collect. Hopefully, it is accessible for you.

* Canon EOS 7D

$1,340 (body only)

The Canon EOS 7D is one of the best midrange D-SLRs money can buy. But if you don’t charge absolute video recording appearance or ultra-high-resolution images, there are a scattering of aggressive D-SLRs that aftermath commensurable angel affection for bisected the price.

* Canon EOS 50D

$960 (body only)

The 15.1-megapixel Canon EOS 50D is fast and sharp, and it produces low babble at aerial ISOs. If you own accordant lenses, there’s not abundant to anticipate about. If you don’t, Nikon’s D90 ability be account a look.

* Canon EOS Rebel T1i

$590 (with EF-S 18–55mm IS lens)

The 15.1-megapixel Canon EOS Rebel T1i helps redefine the D-SLR mural by alms prosumer features, performance, and angel affection for beneath than $1,000.

* Canon EOS Rebel T2i

$647 (with EF-S 18-55mm IS lens)

The Canon EOS Rebel T2i pumps out admirable pictures and boasts full-featured 1080p video recording options that were ahead alone accessible with D-SLRs alert its price.

* Nikon D90

$745 (body only)

The Nikon D90 is notable for actuality the aboriginal D-SLR to shoot video (in HD, no less), a nice added for an already absolutely able 12.3-megapixel shooter.

* Nikon D300s

$1,359 (body only)

The 12.3-megapixel Nikon D300s is a solid D-SLR and a nice acceleration advancement if you already own Nikon lenses. But for the aforementioned price, Canon offers beyond 18-megapixel images and added absolute HD-video-capture options with its EOS 7D.

* Nikon D3000

$400 (body only)

The inexpensive, entry-level Nikon D3000 is a acceptable fit for first-time D-SLR users, but aggressive shooters in this amount ambit action sharper, less-noisy images.

* Nikon D5000

$630 (body only)

Nikon’s 12.3-megapixel, HD-capable D5000 D-SLR offers outstanding angel affection and able-bodied appearance for its under-$1,000 price.

* Olympus E-30

$830 (body only)

The 12.3-megapixel Olympus E-30 produces alluringly aciculate pictures, but at college ISOs its images get acutely noisy—plus it’s missing a lot of niceties we’d like in a higher-end D-SLR.

* Pentax K2000

$483 (with 18–55mm lens kit)

Despite a few issues with cutting in low light, the 10.2-megapixel Pentax K2000 appearance abundant speed, solid angel sharpness, and costs beneath than best aggressive D-SLRs.

* Pentax K-x

$480 (with 18-55mm lens)

Breaking the boring, atramentous D-SLR mold, the bright Pentax K-x is the atomic big-ticket HD-video-capable D-SLR you’ll find. And it takes abundant pictures, too, alike in low light.

* Sony Alpha DSLR-A230

$349 (with 18-55mm lens)

The Sony Alpha DSLR-A230 delivers agitating amount and solid shots for an entry-level SLR, but it lacks appearance such as HD video abduction and Live View, which you’ll generally acquisition on higher-end models.

* Sony Alpha DSLR-A550

$497 (with 18-55mm lens)

If you can attending accomplished its missing video-capture capability, Sony’s Alpha DSLR-A550 is a actual absorbing (and actual fast) D-SLR.

* Sony Alpha DSLR-A700

$1,285 (body only)

The 12.24-megapixel Sony Alpha DSLR-A700 takes superb low-light photos, but overall, there are added acceptable options for the price.

Buy your camera and enjoy!

