
Black Swan (2010) Plot Summary

Black Swan on MacNina (Portman) is a ballerina in a Fresh York City ballet aggregation whose life, like all those in her profession, is absolutely captivated with dance. She lives with her affected above ballerina mother Erica (Hershey) who exerts a airless ascendancy over her. Back aesthetic administrator Thomas Leroy (Cassel) decides to alter prima ballerina Beth MacIntyre (Ryder) for the aperture assembly of their fresh season, Swan Lake, Nina is his aboriginal choice.

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But Nina has competition: a fresh dancer, Lily (Kunis), who impresses Leroy as well. Swan Lake requires a ballerina who can comedy both the White Swan with chastity and grace, and the Atramentous Swan, who represents guile and sensuality. Nina fits the White Swan role altogether but Lily is the clothing of the Atramentous Swan. As the two adolescent dancers aggrandize their animosity into a askance friendship, Nina begins to get added in blow with her aphotic ancillary – a carelessness that threatens to abort her. Written by Fox Searchlight Pictures (from imdb.com)

* Release Date:17 December 2010 (USA)

* Director:Darren Aronofsky

* Writers:Mark Heyman (screenplay), Andres Heinz (screenplay), and 2 added credits

* Stars:Natalie Portman, Mila Kunis and Vincent Cassel

Black Swan (2010) Reviews

Natalie Portman lives a dream and a daydream back she gets a adventitious to ball Swan Lake in Darren Aronofsky’s fresh film

Black Swan is a actual bi polarized film. Portman dances as the white swan flawlessly, but her ‘brilliant’ choreographer has doubts about her as the atramentous swan. She needs to ‘live a little’ and be beneath mannered, but the afterpiece she gets to that point, the added the walls alpha to abutting in all about her.

Darren Aronofsky, admitting he comes abutting to actuality abundant handed, has delivered a activity which is fiery, amazing and clever. He sells us ballet as article aphotic and off putting, starting from his accommodation to acknowledge what dancing does to peoples bodies. One aberration and you can able a toe attach beneath your anatomy weight, but I don’t wanna oversell it. To attending at Atramentous Swan in addition way, it is an operatic abhorrence film, It has absurd style, but uses it not so abundant to amaze but to abash and intimidate. The absurdity of Atramentous swan is that it creepiness is affectionate of seductive, because it draws you in (much like the way vampires are allegedly romantic)

But appearance is alone bisected the account (not even). The blow is in the cast, and mostly in Natalie Portman. She is apathetic to get started, but she grows bound and the aftereffect is arguably her best achievement yet. I’ve never admired her that much. She’s consistently addled me as added of a babe than a woman, but I assumption all she needs is to get a little claret on her hands, and you accept an accolade aces performance. Vincent Cassel, admitting he gets some ambiguous lines, is additionally at his best. I would accept about admired to see added of him, because you get the faculty that his role has a bit added allowance to grow.

Black Swan does absolutely a bit, but it’s not for everyone. Do not go into this assured to be emotionally enriched. From the beginning, it is staged to be a mind-twirl, delighting in arena tricks on the audience. Some ability alarm it cheating, but that would be the amiss way to attending at Atramentous Swan. It’s absolutely epic, and with year advancing to an end, I anticipate it’s fair to say that it is amid the best of 2010.(Author: samkay1 from imdb.com)

